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Choose the Right B2B SaaS Digital Marketing Partner Today

Written by Fran Aguilar | September 6, 2024

Navigating the B2B SaaS landscape isn't a Sunday walk in the park. In case you are hunting for a digital marketing partner, you’ve probably realized that not all agencies are created equal. You don’t just need an agency—you need a partner who truly understands the unique challenges of B2B SaaS marketing. Here’s how to ensure you’re making the right choice.

1. Experience Matters (And Not Just Any Kind)

When it comes to B2B SaaS marketing agencies, experience isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s non-negotiable. You want a partner who has been in the trenches, understands the intricacies of SaaS, and has a proven track record of success in your industry. B2B SaaS isn’t your average playground—it’s a dynamic and complex field with extended sales cycles and discerning buyers.

So, how do you know if they’re the real deal? Look for a partner who can showcase case studies, testimonials, and actual results from their work in the B2B SaaS digital marketing agency space. If they can’t, it might be time to keep looking.

You may have heard this before “Content marketing is king”, and an experienced partner will know this inside out. With 91% of B2B businesses using content marketing as a key strategy, it’s crucial to have someone who knows how to leverage content to attract and nurture leads effectively. Beyond just blogging your partner should be adept at creating value-driven content that resonates with your audience and is optimized for search engines.

Blogging isn’t just about keeping your website busy—it’s about keeping your prospect interested. After all, no one wants to read “Another Day, Another Blog Post.”

For a more detailed guide on selecting the right growth marketing partner, check out our article on how to choose the right growth marketing company.

2. Strategic Approach: Beyond the Basics

Your marketing partner should have a solid strategy for tackling the extended and often convoluted B2B SaaS sales cycles. This means they should know how to nurture leads effectively through each stage of the buyer's journey, from the first touchpoint all the way to client conversion and beyond.

The right partner won’t throw tactics at the wall to see what sticks. They’ll have a deep understanding of your target audience, the challenges of your market, and a game plan to move leads through your funnel with precision. If they’re discussing how they’ll keep your leads warm and engaged, you’re on the right track.

And let’s be honest, “winging it” is about as effective as using dial-up in the age of fiber optics.

A standout differentiator for a B2B SaaS marketing partner is their ability to prove ROI within a CRM like HubSpot. By integrating your marketing efforts with your CRM, they can provide transparent, data-driven insights into what’s working and what’s not, ensuring every dollar spent is tracked and justified.

Furthermore, integrating with your GTM (Go-to-Market) teams, especially through RevOps (Revenue Operations), is a game-changer. This approach ensures alignment across sales, marketing, and customer success, creating a seamless experience that not only attracts new customers but also retains them.

As part of their strategic approach, integrating AI and automation is no longer optional—64% of marketers are already using AI in their processes, with another 38% planning to start in 2024

This means your partner should not only be aware of these tools but actively use them to enhance content quality, streamline lead nurturing, and provide data-driven insights. 61% of B2B marketers are already using marketing automation tools like HubSpot to manage lead engagement more effectively, so your partner should be well-versed in these platforms.

For businesses looking to take a strategic leap, growth marketing consulting can be a game-changer. Learn more about the benefits in our growth marketing consulting guide.

3. Service Capabilities: More Than a One-Stop Shop

Let’s face it, you need a partner who can do it all—and do it well. But it’s not just about ticking off a list of services. Your ideal partner should offer a full suite of digital marketing services, from SEO and content marketing to PPC and social media. More importantly, they should know how to integrate these services with your existing tech stack.

If they mention HubSpot, you know you’re in good hands. A partner who’s proficient with tools like HubSpot will optimize your campaigns and track ROI like a pro. Some partners even tie marketing with RevOps, creating a seamless experience that drives sustainable growth.

Staying up-to-date with the latest tech stacks to support Allbound marketing strategies—like RB2B, Clay, Lemlist, and SendSpark—is essential. The best partners won’t just know these tools; they’ll know how to use them to maximize your outreach, engagement, and conversions across all channels.

In the B2B SaaS world, video marketing is becoming increasingly critical, with 69% of B2B marketers planning to increase their investment in video content. Video is a powerful tool—59% of executives prefer to watch a video over reading text-based content, and 50% of B2B purchasers rely on video during their decision-making process. Your digital marketing partner should be able to create compelling video content that captures attention and drives engagement.

Moreover, social media and SEO remain pillars of any robust digital marketing strategy. 61% of B2B marketers report a positive ROI from social media marketing efforts, with LinkedIn standing out as a vital platform for thought leadership and lead generation. Meanwhile, SEO continues to be the top source of lead generation for 34% of B2B marketers. Your partner should not only keep up with search engine algorithm changes but also implement strategies that ensure your content ranks well and reaches your target audience.

If your website is on page two of Google, it might as well be in the Bermuda Triangle.

Aim to go beyond the basics and truly move the needle. Check out our approach to ROI-based marketing strategies.

4. The ROI Factor: Email Marketing and Beyond

ROI is the name of the game, and for B2B SaaS companies, email marketing remains a powerhouse. With an average ROI of $38 for every $1 spent, email is also the preferred communication channel for 77% of B2B buyers. This makes it essential for lead nurturing and customer engagement. Your digital marketing partner should not only excel in creating compelling email campaigns but also in segmenting your audience and personalizing content to drive the highest engagement and conversion rates.

Email marketing is like coffee—if it’s too strong or too weak, it’s not going to do the job. You’ve got to get it just right.

A great partner will help you do more than just promote products; they’ll help you build and own your audience. They should guide you in growing your email list, ensuring it’s filled with high-quality leads that are genuinely interested in what you offer. Plus, the benefits of email go far beyond simple promotions—it’s a critical tool for post-sale engagement, gathering valuable feedback (think NPS or CSAT), and keeping your customers loyal.


Your partner should also be proactive in testing, analyzing, and refining their email marketing strategies to continuously improve performance. By leveraging email as a tool for both pre and post-sale interactions, a good partner helps ensure your marketing efforts are always evolving and delivering measurable results.

5. The Personalization Push: Tailoring Experiences

In today’s market, personalization is more than just a buzzword—it’s a necessity. 75% of B2B marketers report that they measure the performance of their content, with a growing focus on delivering personalized experiences driven by data insights and AI. A good digital marketing partner should be able to take your customer data and turn it into actionable insights that drive tailored marketing campaigns, enhancing both engagement and conversion rates.

For insights on optimizing your quarterly strategies, check our guide on quarterly business reviews, which outlines how to track performance and make data-driven decisions for sustained growth.

Ready to Chat?

Choosing the right B2B SaaS digital marketing partner is no small feat, but when you find the right one, the impact on your business can be transformative. At RevPartners, we don’t just check the boxes—we live and breathe marketing. From content creation and AI integration to video marketing and personalized campaigns, we’ve got the expertise to help you crush your goals.

Let’s discuss your needs and see how we can help you achieve success.