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How and Why to Switch Your Website to HubSpot CMS

Written by Adam Statti | September 26, 2024

The Benefits of HubSpot CMS for Growing Businesses

Switching website platforms can feel like deciding to remodel your kitchen—exciting but overwhelming. The truth is, though, many businesses are still dealing with websites that are a pain to update, slow to load, or just don’t play nice with their other systems. Limiting their online presence. Sound familiar?

The problem is, outdated or overly complicated CMS (content management system) platforms (we’re looking at you, WordPress) tend to slow down progress rather than helping you grow. Making a small change? Better grab a developer. Want to update your design? You’ll be waiting weeks. Plus, trying to get your CMS to talk to your CRM or marketing tools? That’s a whole other headache.


Enter HubSpot CMS. Imagine a CMS that doesn’t require a degree in web development to use. HubSpot CMS simplifies everything and integrates seamlessly with your sales, marketing, and customer service tools. It’s part of the HubSpot platform, designed to not only help you manage your website but to make sure your website works for your business.

Here’s why making the switch to HubSpot CMS just makes sense:

  • Easy, Drag-and-Drop Editing: No more coding nightmares. With HubSpot’s drag-and-drop editor, you can update content and design without ever touching HTML. (Yes, seriously.)
  • Seamless Integration: Everything connects. HubSpot CMS isn’t just a website tool; it’s part of a larger ecosystem that includes CRM, email marketing, sales, and customer service tools.
  • Mobile Optimization from Day One: Your site will automatically be fast and responsive on mobile. Because in 2024, there’s no excuse for a website that looks bad on a phone.
  • Customizable and Scalable: Whether you’re a small business or scaling up, HubSpot CMS can be tailored to meet your specific needs.
  • Security and Reliability Built In: SSL, WAF (Web Application Firewall), and 24/7 security monitoring are all part of the package. No plugins required.
  • SEO Without the Stress: Boost your organic search traffic with built-in SEO recommendations and automatic technical fixes.

HubSpot CMS is designed to grow with you, rather than hold you back. If your website feels like a roadblock right now, it might be time to hit the refresh button—and HubSpot website development could be your best ally in doing just that.

Common Challenges That Necessitate a HubSpot Website Migration

If your website is more hassle than help, it’s time for a change. Here are some common issues businesses face with traditional CMS platforms, and why migrating to HubSpot CMS is the move that makes sense.

Limited Scalability and Flexibility

Most traditional CMS platforms are great… until you start growing. Then you realize they can’t keep up. Whether it’s needing new features, expanding your site, or customizing the user experience, traditional platforms often require costly workarounds (or worse, a full rebuild). 

HubSpot website development services, on the other hand, are designed to scale as your business does. You can add new pages, new features, and even integrate tools without having to jump through hoops—or hire a small army of developers.

Data Fragmentation

If your CRM, marketing automation, and CMS are all running on different systems, you’re in for a world of pain. Data gets disconnected, reporting becomes a mess, and your teams are all looking at different versions of the truth. 

HubSpot CMS brings everything under one roof. No more copy-pasting between tools or trying to cobble together insights from fragmented databases. Once you migrate to HubSpot, everything flows seamlessly—your CRM, marketing, sales, and website data all live happily together.

High Development Costs and Delays

Traditional CMS platforms often mean you’re at the mercy of developers. Want to update a landing page or tweak some text? Better put in a request and wait… and wait. The ongoing costs for even the simplest updates can really add up, not to mention the delays that slow down your marketing initiatives. 

With HubSpot CMS, marketers can take the wheel. Its drag-and-drop interface lets you make changes instantly, without having to know code (or chase down developers).

Security, Hosting, and Plugin Challenges

Let’s talk security. With traditional CMS platforms, you’re often juggling multiple plugins (each with its own vulnerabilities), managing your hosting provider, and handling security updates. It’s a lot of overhead—and a lot of room for something to go wrong. 

HubSpot CMS simplifies everything. Hosting, security, and maintenance are all baked in, with enterprise-level protection and automatic updates that ensure your site stays secure and fast, no plugins required.

Poor CRM and Marketing Tool Integration

Getting your CMS to talk to your CRM or marketing tools can feel like pulling teeth. Data doesn’t sync, workflows break, and you end up with a disjointed customer experience. When your website isn’t integrated into your sales and marketing ecosystem, you’re missing out on valuable insights and opportunities. 

HubSpot CMS fixes this by being natively integrated with HubSpot’s CRM and marketing tools, so everything works together smoothly. This means better alignment between your website and the rest of your business.

Key Benefits of HubSpot CMS for Website Management

Here’s why businesses are moving to HubSpot CMS in droves: It’s not just a website tool—it’s a complete, integrated system that equips your team to work more effectively, eliminates unnecessary costs, and simplifies website management. It’s built to streamline your operations, boost productivity, and give you a hassle-free experience. Let’s get into the standout benefits that make HubSpot development services the go-to choice.

Unified Platform for CRM, Marketing, and Sales

One of the biggest advantages of HubSpot CMS is that everything lives under one roof. Your website isn’t just a separate entity; it’s connected to your CRM (customer relationship management), marketing tools, and sales processes through the HubSpot platform. This means you’ve got one single source of truth—no more jumping between platforms, no more siloed data, and no more manual syncing. Want to know how that lead from your blog is progressing through the sales pipeline? It’s all there, in one place.

Empowering Non-Technical Teams

Let’s face it—no one likes waiting for developers to make a simple website update. With HubSpot CMS, your marketing and sales teams can take control. Thanks to the drag-and-drop builder, non-technical folks can easily create, edit, and manage web pages without needing to know a single line of code. It’s all intuitive, meaning your team can make real-time updates and launch campaigns on their own schedule.

Built-in Lead Generation and Marketing Tools

What if your website wasn’t just a brochure but a full-blown marketing machine? HubSpot CMS makes that possible. It comes loaded with built-in tools like lead capture forms, calls-to-action (CTAs), and landing pages—all directly tied to your CRM. Every visitor interaction gets logged, tracked, and nurtured in one seamless flow. No more duct-taping together third-party apps just to capture a lead.

Enhanced Security and Performance

Security shouldn’t be an afterthought, but with traditional CMS platforms, it often is. With HubSpot CMS, you get built-in hosting, SSL certification, and automatic updates, so your site stays secure without you having to lift a finger. HubSpot’s infrastructure also ensures that your site performs optimally, even during high traffic spikes, without you needing to worry about plugins crashing or vulnerabilities being exploited.

Cost and Time Savings

Hosting fees, plugin subscriptions, developer bills—it all adds up. One of the most underrated benefits of switching to HubSpot CMS is the savings. Since everything is built-in, you’re not paying for a dozen different tools, and you don’t need to constantly shell out for updates or fixes. Plus, with your marketing team empowered to manage the site, you’ll save tons of time and money that would otherwise be spent on development.

The HubSpot CMS Migration Roadmap: Step-by-Step Process

Migrating to HubSpot CMS isn’t a “flip the switch” kind of thing—it’s a well-coordinated process designed to make sure everything runs smoothly from start to finish. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how to get your website up and running on HubSpot CMS without missing a beat.

Discovery and Website Audit

Before anything else, you need to know what you’re working with. Start by conducting a detailed audit of your current website. This includes mapping out your site’s structure (sitemap), checking SEO performance, and cataloging every piece of content—from blog posts to forms. The goal is to know exactly what needs to be migrated and what can be optimized or left behind.

Content and Copywriting

Now’s the time to take a hard look at your content. Is it performing well in search? Does it need updating or rewriting? HubSpot CMS offers built-in tools to help boost your SEO performance, so this is your chance to optimize your copy or start fresh where needed. From keyword integration to meta descriptions, every detail counts when it comes to maximizing your content’s reach on the new platform.

Design and Branding

Do you want to carry over your current design or give your website a facelift? This stage is all about locking down your HubSpot website design and branding. Whether you’re replicating your existing look or creating something new, this is where HubSpot’s flexible design capabilities shine. Mockups are created to ensure your branding stays consistent across all pages.

HubSpot CMS Development

With your design and content ready to go, it’s time to build. Using HubSpot’s development tools, you’ll create a custom theme that includes all the templates, modules, and flexibility you need. The drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for non-technical team members to manage content down the road.

Content Migration

Now comes the heavy lifting—moving all your content to the new platform. This includes blog posts, media, forms, and other site elements. HubSpot CMS makes it easy to migrate content, but this step is crucial to ensure everything is in the right place and working as expected once it’s live.

Testing and Pre-Launch

Before you hit the “go live” button, you’ll need to test everything. QA (quality assurance) testing is key—check for broken links, ensure forms are working, and make sure everything is mobile-friendly. Don’t forget to set up redirects, tracking codes, and any automation needed to ensure your new site is working like a well-oiled machine before it goes live.

Go Live

This is the big moment—time to flip the switch! Final steps include pointing your domain to HubSpot and making sure everything is functioning as expected. Once live, you’ll want to train your internal teams on how to manage the new platform so they can make updates, create content, and manage the site without needing outside help.

Post-Launch Performance Tracking

After your site is live, the work doesn’t stop. HubSpot’s built-in analytics tools allow you to monitor key metrics like traffic, page performance, and conversions. This data is essential for continuous optimization, helping you refine your site over time for better results.

Unique Solutions HubSpot CMS Offers

So, what makes HubSpot CMS the standout of website platforms? It’s not just another site builder—it’s loaded with smart solutions that actually fix real business headaches. Let’s break down the features that make HubSpot CMS a no-brainer.

Fully Integrated CRM and Website Management

Most CMS platforms live in their own little bubble, disconnected from your CRM, marketing, and sales tools. Not HubSpot CMS. With HubSpot, your website is fully integrated with everything else in your tech stack. Every visitor interaction is tracked, logged, and tied directly to your CRM. This gives your sales and marketing teams real-time insights into visitor behavior, lead nurturing, and conversion opportunities—without having to manually sync data or rely on multiple platforms.

Non-Technical Website Updates

Waiting on a developer to make small updates to your website is a productivity killer. HubSpot CMS empowers non-technical users to take control of their website with its intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Need to update a landing page, switch out an image, or tweak some copy? It’s as easy as point-and-click. No code, no developer requests, just quick and easy changes that keep your site fresh and up-to-date.

Dynamic Content and Personalization

One-size-fits-all websites are a thing of the past. With HubSpot CMS, you can deliver personalized experiences to visitors based on their interactions with your brand. Using CRM data, HubSpot allows you to show dynamic content that changes based on who’s viewing your site. Whether it’s tailoring offers to specific buyer personas or showing returning visitors something new, you can create a more engaging and relevant experience for every user.

Is HubSpot CMS the Right Move for Your Business?

If your current CMS feels more like a barrier than a tool for growth, it’s time to reevaluate. HubSpot CMS Hub offers all-in-one functionality with seamless CRM integration, user-friendly management, and built-in performance tools—all designed to help you scale without the hassle. Whether it’s cutting down development costs, solving data fragmentation, or empowering your team to make updates on the fly, HubSpot CMS could be the key to unlocking your business’s potential.

Ask yourself: is your current CMS holding you back? If so, it might be time to make the switch to HubSpot CMS and supercharge your growth.