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Podcast Pit Stop: Scaling Sales Teams with Tyler Karlen from Snackpass

Written by Kimberly Holcomb | June 24, 2021

Tyler Karlen is the VP of Sales @ Snackpass, the social food ordering platform that is fast gaining traction and is all the rage with their 500k+ users. Since their origin only 4 years ago, they are making their mark on the food technology landscape and just yesterday announced their receipt of Series B funding.  Way to go Snackpass Team! 🎉

As for Tyler, prior to joining Snackpass in 2020, he spent an incredible 8 years in Food Tech sector including UberEats, Compass, and Toast, inc., playing an instrumental role in each of their hyper-growth journeys.  Tyler says that, "Sales is an energy business," and he is not wrong!  It is evident, though, that he thrives off of that energy and shares it through his electric insights on this episode of Pit Stops to Podium. ⚡️


Pit Stop Highlights

1.) How Tyler made his way into the world of startups and the food technology space following his formative start in sales selling Cutco knives and becoming THE top seller in the Southeast.

2.) What blitz scaling lessons Tyler learned from UberEats during it's very early days when it was "UberEats Instant" and before they had solidified their product market fit. 

3.) Most importantly, how Tyler synthesizes the leadership mindset and practices for scaling sales teams into 3 categories: Clarity, Collaboration, and Culture. 

BOOM💥 There they are! The 3 C's for Scaling Sales Teams. 

Item’s Mentioned In This Episode with Tyler Karlen

Tyler's Recommended Reads: Start With Why by Simon Sinek and Drive by Daniel Pink

Tyler's Favorite Motto: “There’s no such thing as a dull sales floor.”

You can follow Tyler Karlen on Linkedin and Twitter! You can also reach him by email: if you are interested in being a part of the awesomeness @Snackpass. They are actively hiring!