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The How and Why of a Salesforce to HubSpot CRM Migration

For years, Salesforce has been the undisputed leader in the CRM market, maintaining a dominant position through its comprehensive features and widespread adoption. However, the landscape has changed, and HubSpot has emerged as the new king.

HubSpot's transformation from a marketing automation platform to an enterprise-level CRM solution has been nothing short of remarkable. Over the past few years, the company has consistently rolled out updates and new features, solidifying its position as a robust and versatile CRM platform.

This rapid advancement has led to a significant shift, with many businesses migrating from Salesforce to HubSpot. This willingness to undertake the complex process of transferring vast amounts of data between CRM systems is a testament to the value that businesses see in HubSpot's offerings.

With its continued growth and innovation, HubSpot is well-positioned to lead the next generation of CRM platforms and redefine the way businesses manage customer relationships.

Understanding CRM Migrations

A CRM migration is the process of transferring data, settings, and configurations from one CRM system to another. This procedure is essential when businesses decide to switch CRM platforms to better align with their evolving needs and objectives.

Think of it as moving to a new house. Just as you would carefully pack your belongings and transport them from your old house to your new one, CRM migrations involve the organized transfer of valuable customer data and other information from the old CRM system to the new one.

Factors to take into account for a migration plan:

  • Data integrity: Ensuring that data is accurately migrated without loss or corruption is critical. This requires careful planning, data mapping, and validation processes.
  • System compatibility: Evaluate the compatibility between the old and new CRM systems, as well as any third-party integrations, to minimize disruption and ensure a smooth transition.
  • User training: Adequate training and support should be provided to users to familiarize them with the new CRM platform, its features, and any changes in workflows.
  • Timing: Choose an appropriate time for the migration, such as during a slower business period or outside of peak hours, to minimize impact on daily operations.

Key Drivers for CRM Migration

Businesses typically opt for migration due to several strategic reasons, including:

Business Growth

As companies expand, their CRM needs change. When a CRM system can't accommodate increased data volume or complex processes, businesses may need to migrate to a more scalable solution that supports their growth.

User Adoption and Experience

A high-quality CRM is only effective if users adopt it. If a CRM has low adoption rates due to poor user experience or a complex interface, companies may consider migrating to a platform with better usability and more intuitive workflows to boost productivity.

Cost and Efficiency

Companies are always looking for ways to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. If a CRM system is overpriced or has licensing models that are not cost-effective, businesses may decide to migrate to a more affordable and efficient alternative, especially during economic downturns.

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Factors Driving Companies to Migrate from Salesforce to HubSpot

The increasing trend of businesses migrating from Salesforce to HubSpot can be attributed to several key factors:


Salesforce's higher costs and additional fees for advanced features can be prohibitive for small and medium-sized businesses. HubSpot offers a range of more affordable pricing plans, including free options, making it a more cost-effective choice.

Ease of Use

HubSpot's user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it easier for non-technical users to navigate and adopt, while Salesforce's steep learning curve requires more technical expertise.

Integrated Features

HubSpot's unified platform offers a consistent user interface across all its hubs, enabling cross-functional collaboration and a single record of customer activities. In contrast, Salesforce's complex system, resulting from cobbled together  acquisitions and integrations, may require additional configuration and customization.


Although Salesforce caters to larger companies, its scalability often demands more customization and configuration, which can be overwhelming for smaller businesses. A switch to HubSpot offers scalable solutions that allow companies to start with basic features and upgrade as they grow.

Inbound Marketing Focus

For businesses prioritizing inbound marketing, HubSpot's tightly integrated inbound marketing tools make it a more comprehensive solution compared to Salesforce, which lacks a specific focus on inbound marketing as its core offering.

Superior Customer Support


HubSpot offers 24/7 customer support for HubSpot solutions, while Salesforce's support availability varies depending on the subscription plan and support level. This round-the-clock availability ensures businesses can get assistance whenever needed.

Response Times

Unlike Salesforce, which offers different support levels with varying response times, HubSpot provides consistent response times across all plans. This ensures a reliable and predictable support experience for all users.

User Community

HubSpot's strong user community forum fosters connections between users and enables them to share knowledge and best practices. While Salesforce also has a community forum, it’s not as prominent or active, making HubSpot's community a valuable resource for users seeking guidance and support.

What are the Steps When Migrating From Salesforce to HubSpot?

Goodbye big blue–hello hubolution!

Data Identification and Cleanup

Begin by identifying the specific data to be migrated, which includes both standard and custom objects. Next, cleanse and validate the data in Salesforce, addressing common issues such as duplicate records, incomplete data, and inconsistencies.

Data Mapping and Transformation

To ensure seamless integration with HubSpot, define data mapping and transformation rules. Map fields between the two systems and manipulate data as needed. This may involve converting date formats, standardizing phone numbers, or normalizing values for consistency.

Customization and Configuration Assessment

Assess the customizations and configurations in Salesforce and determine the corresponding requirements in HubSpot. Recreate essential customizations, like reports, dashboards, and email templates, in HubSpot to maintain consistent business processes and branding.

Data Migration and Validation

Extract data from Salesforce using a data migration tool or API integration. Validate the migrated data in HubSpot to confirm its accuracy, completeness, and integrity. Utilize data validation and synchronization tools to compare data between the two systems and reconcile any discrepancies.

Testing and Verification

Set up a HubSpot test environment mirroring the Salesforce production setup to test functionalities and configurations. Confirm data integrity and test customizations, workflows, and email templates to ensure they function correctly in HubSpot. Employ diverse data scenarios, including edge cases and error situations, for comprehensive testing of all processes.

User Training and Adoption

Training and Onboarding

Provide thorough training sessions to familiarize users with the HubSpot interface, features, and workflows. These sessions can be delivered in person or remotely through webinars or video tutorials, covering essential topics such as:

  • Navigating the HubSpot interface
  • Creating and managing contacts, deals, and tasks
  • Hands-on workshops for real-world practice

Post-Migration Support

Establish a dedicated help desk or support team to offer continuous assistance to users, addressing:

  • Questions and concerns regarding HubSpot usage
  • Technical issues that arise during the transition
  • Ongoing support to ensure successful adoption and usage of HubSpot

Summing Up Migrating from Salesforce to HubSpot

The decision to migrate from one CRM to another is significant and typically occurs when a company feels its current CRM is no longer suitable for its needs. A notable migration trend that has taken place has been from Salesforce CRM to HubSpot CRM, which has gained momentum due to its continuous updates and improvements over the past few years and its user-friendly interface and adaptable pricing options which make it an attractive alternative to Salesforce.

The surge in companies switching their data from Salesforce to HubSpot could indicate a significant shift in the CRM market. As businesses prioritize intuitive, cost-effective solutions, HubSpot has emerged as a strong contender for the title of CRM king.

Thinking about making your own migration to HubSpot?  Think RevPartners for all your HubSpot onboarding needs!

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